Wednesday, August 29, 2007


想安慰一个人是错的吗?为什么你让我觉得是我让你不开心似的? 是我错了吗?对不起。。。 我再也不打电话给你了。。。 除非是你要我在必要时打电话给你。。。 否着我再也不打了。。。

1 comment:

fantasy said...

wah..sound so fierce..anger outburst..must cool down k..wait high-blood pressure den u know..Oops=x juz joking *Hide* dun chew me!!

ok..dun joke le..hmm..well guess u try and save the situation, but fail to do so? well..dun be sad or angry..since i am sure u done all u can to salvage the r/s. Sometime juz got to accept tat in life,be it r/s or other matters whenever we gif may not always come back to us.

So wat we can do is tat, we do know tat we have done our best=)Like the saying goes..You Done your best,let god do the rest=)

Sound kinda cliche thou..haha

anw..take care & Sweetdream